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What significance should Corona have for your organisation?


Leadership group workshop, where you:

  1. Listening to how Corona has affected each of you

  2. Examines your organization through 8 lenses

  3. Clarify what the organization needs now 




  • Poll of expectations around your organization and management group's situation

  • Workshop with management group

  • Collection and documentation of results


Sune Kjems

2627 9392

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What significance should Corona have for your organisation?

In recent weeks we have all broken our habits and therefore had the opportunity to look at our patterns and processes with new eyes. Most people have had to change their daily lives and many have radically changed the way they work. 

Some that these changes are temporary and others take on a permanent meaning – everything will not be quite as before._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf958d_The question is what it should mean. 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_for your organization.

If we use the French ethnologist Arnold van Genneps definition of rites of passage's 3 basic phases, we examine what you as a leadership group_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-18cf5dcf5d_want to preserve and what I  want to change.


The 3 phases: 

  1. The excretion phase – where we part with our accustomed contexts. 

  2. The liminal phase (lat. limen 'threshold, boundary'), where we find ourselves in a space between the old and new status – in a fluid state where everything is possible. In this state we are open and therefore also susceptible to changing patterns and habits. 

  3. The Incorporation Phase, where we enter into our normal context again, but now must work on new terms, where we merge the best of the old and the new rooted in the insights and realizations we have achieved._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


If we see the Corona pandemic as a rite of passage, we have been through the excretion phase and is now on its way out of the liminal phase and little by little to incorporate us again.

Here, questions arise about which changes we must implement, which practices and which behavior we would like to change, which frameworks we must change, how we sharpen the relationship between the virtual and the physical, which actions we must initiate, how we get the employees involved and if there is a discrepancy between the management's and the employees' perception of what the situation calls for... etc.

This time is ideal for to share insights, reflections and realizations from the first two phases, and if you do not take advantage of this unique opportunity, you risk missing the opportunity to_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_at udskille de gamle mønstre, som ikke tjener jer længere og opdage og værdsætte de nye, som I kan inkorporere_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in your future workflows and organization.


Therefore, ViaDesign has developed a process based on decision-making processes from Native American wisdom traditions, where i your management group:

  • Gives you time tolistento each other's individual thoughts about how Corona has affected you individually, your management and your employees

  • Investigatingyour organization through 8 lenses, where you look at the organization's creativity and opportunities, appreciation of own qualities, strengths and risks, purpose and direction, balance and well-being, long-term potential, clarity and action and ability to unite and transform.

  • Clarifieswhat your organization should distinguish and incorporate 

The service consists of an assessment of expectations around your organization and management group's situation, en 6 hour management group workshop and finally a compilation and documentation of results delivered in a digital presentation.


Call or write to hear more:

Sune Kjems

+45 2627 9392

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